Our Planet’s Sustainability Matters
At 1M Mechanical Equipment Co.Ltd, we are creating a more sustainable and better shared future by developing and manufacturing clean-technology solutions that ensure a better world for future generations. We’re here to make a difference in people’s lives, communities, and our planet by doing business the right way.
From Diesel to new energy
Our goal is to remove greenhouse gas emissions from the industrial sector. Though we anticipate this to be a challenging task, we believe by being the first company to manufacture commercially available all-electric heavy equipment at these sizes, we are challenging the notion that every heavy equipment must be a massive burner of fossil fuels. This change will be difficult and will take time, but we will embark on this journey one unit at a time.
Carbon Emissions Impact Your Business and the Environment
It’s generally the Transportation sector that produces the highest levels of carbon emissions, accounting for 27% of all GHG emissions in the United States in 2020. The Industrial sector, however, is not far behind with 24% of the total contributed GHG emissions across the nation. The main difference in these industries right now is that there is a booming electric vehicle industry that is innovating and improving itself year after year. As electric buses and trucks become more prevalent, it’s guaranteed that Transportation emissions will drop. Currently, however, there are limited options for the Industrial sector to follow suit.
The impact of these emission reductions is becoming more critical to day-to-day corporate operations. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting has become standard for nations across the globe. Likewise, more investors, particularly large institutional investors, are looking to see what ESG goals companies are setting. Where previously, financial goals were the sole focus, environmental goals have carved a space for themselves in corporate discussions. As Harvard Law School tells us, some of these goals include employee safety, climate commitment, carbon footprint, and of course, emissions reduction.
According to the EPA, every gallon of diesel burned results in about 22 pounds of carbon emissions. Carbon dioxide is responsible for trapping heat in our atmosphere. However, it’s a delicate balancing act – too much carbon dioxide, too much heat. One method of combating these emissions is to offset, or counterbalance, them.
A simple and popular way to think of this is using trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air in order to produce oxygen, making them a “carbon sink.” More specifically, a mature tree absorbs 48 pounds of carbon in a year. Your vehicle’s emissions, which produce carbon dioxide, can be considered “carbon faucets.” If you made sure there was a carbon sink big enough to handle everything produced by your carbon faucet, or, in other words, you plant enough trees to absorb all your carbon emissions, you have offset your emissions.
Although there are better ways to combat carbon emissions (we’ll get into that in a moment), the trees analogy is useful because it helps us think of emissions impacts in terms of space. Trees take up space, and you can be sure that one tree isn’t enough to combat the carbon emissions of your entire heavy equipment fleet. So, how much space would it take to offset one year of emissions put out by one piece of heavy equipment?
the future of new energy
1M’s equipment was developed with zero operating emissions because we know the best way to make positive environmental change is to stop emissions right at the source. We believe that a product’s ability to be sustainable during its operation is just as important as its ability to stay sustainable at the end of its life.
Let’s take a look!